Worm Farms / Composting Worms and Worm Tea

Worm Farms / Composting Worms and Worm Tea Product details

Product by:
Global Worming

The Mini Tower – ideal for a household of 1-2 people – included in price 500 compositing worms and set of instructions of setting up and maintenance of the worm farm.

The Midi Tower – ideal for a household of 3-4 people - – included in price 500 compositing worms and set of instructions of setting up and maintenance of the worm farm.

Worm Heaven – ideal for a household of 4 or more people - included in price 500 compositing worms and set of instructions of setting up and maintenance of the worm farm. Price:

Bokashi Kitchen Composter (including 2 liter of Bran).
Pet poop Processor including worms

Worm Tea – organic fertilizer
Compositing worms – 5lt of worm bedding with 500 pit run of worms and worm
Worms for Bait r the fisherman) handpicked worms for bait.

Please go to www.globalworming.co.za for pricing.


Please use the Contact form on the right for Worm Farms / Composting Worms and Worm Tea information and ordering.

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