Ethiopian Rainwater Harvesting Association (ERHA) was founded on December 17, 1999 in Addis Ababa by Ethiopian citizens who recognized the imminent challenges resulting from water shortage and initially registered with the Federal MoJ in December 2001; and later, re-registered as Ethiopian Residents Charity in 5th of November 2009. The founding members of ERHA were comprised of individuals with diverse professional backgrounds including water and related fields of engineering, agriculture, health, education, environment as well as other fields of natural and social sciences. Members are also employees of educational and research institutions, GOs, NGOs industrial organizations and Private engineering/consultancy firms. In 2005, identified as Rainwater Harvesting Capacity Centre (RHCC) of the RAIN Partnership, to coordinate and manage the widespread implementation of RWH in Ethiopia and stayed until 2010. This 2012 marks the 13th year since ERHA has been established and managed to exhibit notable records of achievements towards realizing its strategic objectives, along with striving to ensure its organizational strengths and expanding operational spans. Currently, ERHA is getting wider recognition among development organizations within the country and beyond for its role as a people's organization to promote rainwater harvesting. General Assembly The General Assembly of all ERHA members is the supreme body of the Association and regularly meets every year to review annual performance and audit reports as well as making important decisions requiring its attention. So far ERHA has 47 active registered members of different background and from different part of the country and more who are in waiting list for the approval of the general assembly.
Please get in touch with Ethiopian Rain Water Harvesting Association (ERHA) from the Contact box on the right.
Association – Audit – Charity – Consultancy – Engineering – Harvest – Harvesting – Health Education – Light – Rainwater – Rain Water – Rainwater Harvesting – Shading – Water