East African Sustainability (SusWatch) Network

East African Sustainability (SusWatch) Network info, products & news

The East African Sustainability (SusWatch) Network is a network of NGOs from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania spearheaded by Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD), Sustainable Environmental Development Watch Network (SusWatch Kenya), and Tanzania Coalition for Sustainable Development (TCSD). EA SusWatch Regional Secretariat is hosted by UCSD in Kampala, Uganda.The Vision of EA SusWatch is: A world where sustainable development principles drive social and economic development processes. The Mission of EA SusWatch to catalyze and mobilize civil society in Eastern African to exert accountability from governments and international development institutions to achieve a socially and environmentally sustainable world.The mandate of EA SusWatch is “monitoring and advocating for the effective implementation of national and regional obligations to International agreements and other arrangements for sustainable development in Eastern Africa”. EA SusWatch is currently implementing the LVEMP II Civil Society Watch Project that seeks to lobby and advocate for realization of results-based performance from the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP II) and implementation of the East African Climate Change Policy (EACCP, April 2011).

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